How To Sit With SI Joint Pain: Sacroiliac Joint
Posted by CBD LION on on Jan/Fri/2022
How to sit with si joint pain
Do you often experience soreness and pain in your sacroiliac joint? If so, then this blog post is for you! Here we will provide some tips on how to sit with sacroiliac joint pain. We all sit down quite a lot each day, and we mustn't do so incorrectly as this can increase the pain and inflammation of our joints. This blog post provides steps for proper sitting with si joint pain.
What is Sacroiliac joint pain?
The sacroiliac joint is a small joint in the pelvis with a slight movement. SI joint pain is a condition that results in pain and inflammation in the sacroiliac joint and is felt in the buttocks and lower back. SI Joint pain is often confused with lower back pain.
Pain in the SI joint can be quite debilitating and impact our daily lives significantly. It is essential to seek treatment for sacroiliac joint pain as soon as possible to reduce the amount of inflammation and ease the associated aches and pains.
What Causes SI Joint pain
Numerous conditions cause sacroiliac joint pain, but the most popular are arthritis, pregnancy, trauma, and obesity. The added stress by conditions causes the joints to be inflamed and tender.
Proper Way To Sit With SI Joint Pain
To reduce SI joint pain, you'll need to sit correctly so you do not place a further strain on the sacroiliac joints and cause increased inflammation. We choose to rest in many positions each day and alter how we should sit in them.
Sitting Position
There are some basic do's and don'ts you will want to follow with your sitting posture to reduce the pain. These are key to relieving the stress on the joint. Different chairs and surfaces will require the use of the techniques but add some extra details you'll want to be aware of.
Sit upright
Keep Chest up
Keep Knees moderate distance away from each other
Make sure your lower back is in contact with the back of the seat
Relax shoulder blades
Sit for extended periods if avoidable
Cross legs
Lean on one side or the other
Sitting Location
Where you sit has a significant impact on how you need to adjust to reduce sacroiliac joint pain.
Office Chair
You'll want to make sure to select an ergonomic office chair and position your desk and screen at appropriate lengths.
Your chair should have lumbar support, and you'll want to adjust the height of your chair so that when your feet are flat on the ground, your thighs are parallel to the floor.
You should also keep your chest up and maintain good posture by using do's and don'ts mentioned above.
Computer screen height is also significant. You want the screen to be at eye level, so you're not looking down or up at it for extended periods.
Having your seat in a good posture in your vehicle when traveling is needed to reduce your SI joint pain. You'll want to adjust the seat to make sure your back is straight and you're not putting any pressure on your SI joint.
If needed, you can use a cushion or pillow to help support your lower back.
Some helpful tips while traveling in a car or truck:
Place a small pillow or rolled-up towel behind your lumbar spine for extra support.
Do not recline the seat
Drive at 10 and 2
There is nothing better than relaxing on a couch after a long day of work. Though, the sofa can be a trap and is often traded for short-term comfort with long-term pain. Not to be alarmed, there are positions on the couch that provide comfort and relaxation that don't stress your joints and cause any further inflammation.
To properly sit on the couch, you'll want to use a pillow to support your head and neck. You'll also want to use a lumbar pillow or rolled-up towel to help your lower back if needed.
Another way to sit on the couch is by placing a pillow between your legs, which will help keep your spine straight and supported.
If you want to lay down on the couch, you should place a pillow under your knees, and this will help keep your lower back in alignment and reduce the stress on your sacroiliac joint.
Remember, these are just general tips to help you sit more comfortably with si joint pain. If you are experiencing any additional discomfort or pain, please speak to your doctor for further advice.
Standing Position
Standing more often in a proper stance is another way to reduce your SI joint pain. Like with sitting, there are right and wrong ways to stand. Following these tips will help with the sacroiliac pain or keep it from getting worse.
- Keep your feet hip-width apart and parallel to each other
- Point your toes straight ahead
- Tighten your abdominal muscles
- Tuck your chin slightly so that you are looking straight ahead
- Stand with your feet too close or too far apart
- Let your weight sink into the balls of your feet
- Arch your back
- Stick your butt out
Ways To Reduce Sacroiliac Joint Pain
There are many things besides sitting and standing posture to relieve pain. You will want to talk to your doctor first before attempting any pain relief methods on your own to make sure it is safe for your body.
Strengthening back muscles to help support your spine can be a massive help to the SI joint. Physical therapy is the best place to start because picking the right exercises and learning the form will require professional supervision. The physical therapist will assess your body, look for any specific needs or weaknesses and create a routine that they will work you through.
These exercises will strengthen your back, help you maintain good posture, and increase well-being.
The RICE protocol will help the SI joint recover and provide pain relief like most inflation conditions. RICE is short for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, which will help reduce the inflammation and pain in the joint.
Rest means not doing any activity. No lifting of excessive weight, running, or other strenuous exercises can worsen the SI joint pain.
To ice the joint, you'll need a cold pack, ice, or even a bag of frozen vegetables. Place the pack on the painful area for 15-20 minutes at a time. You can do this several times throughout the day.
Compression will help to reduce swelling and pain. There are many wraps and braces that you can use to provide compression to the joint.
Elevation is more difficult with the SI joint because it is in the middle of your body. TO elevate the SI joints, you'll need to prop yourself up on pillows so that your hips and knees are bent. This will help to take the pressure off the joint and reduce inflammation.
Pain Medication
Over-the-counter pain medications can be a big help in reducing your chronic pain. The most common ones are NSAIDs which stand for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Common ones that you'll find in pharmacies, groceries, and convenience stores are ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen sodium (Aleve), and aspirin.
There are also prescription-strength medications that your doctor may prescribe for you if the over-the-counter medications don't help. Some of these include Celebrex, Vioxx, Toradol, and Mobic.
Support Brace
A support brace is another good option that takes thought and effort to help the SI joints. There are many braces on the market, and your doctor or physical therapist can help you find the best one for you. Braces provide more stability to the SI joint and take some pressure off.
Another popular option that has been adopted in the last five years is CBD. The studies on the effects of CBD are still ongoing, but things are looking promising. No conclusions have been made yet, but it looks like it may provide a natural way to decrease inflammation and pain. At this time, all of the reports on CBD's effects are anecdotal.
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SI Joint pain can be painful and brought on by many things. With a concentrated effort, pain relief may be closer than you think. Making an effort to correct your posture can go a long way. Adding more standing time is also one way to help. If you have a desk job, a standing desk can provide a way to get more time on your feet. Just make sure to use the proper posture when standing. In addition to posture and exercise, there are additional steps to reduce pain in the SI joint. Medications and natural supplements like CBD may help reduce the inflammation causing you pain. We wish you luck in your journey to eliminate pain in your SI joint!