
Dog whining at night: Why And How To Help Them

Posted by CBD LION on on Sep/Wed/2021

Dog whining at night

No one wants to be kept up at night by the sound of their dog whining. Dog owners are often frustrated when they find themselves trying to figure out why their pup is making that noise and what they can do about it. Many people think that dogs whine because they want attention, but this isn't always the case. Here are some reasons your dog may be whining during the night and how you can help them stop!

Potential Causes

There can be numerous causes, but let's start with the main ones we can address.


Puppies tend to whine at night due to their age and development. Puppies need to go outside at night, but they can't do it by themselves until they are potty trained, which is why the sound of their whine will be different than adult dogs. If you find that your puppy is whining in the middle of the night, take them outside right away, even if it's not time for them.

This whining at night should solve itself as your puppy gains the ability to hold their bladder overnight and improve their house training.

Stomach problems

Your dog's cause of whining at night can be due to digestive issues. Dog's stomachs can get upset when they eat something bad, drink too much water, or chew on a shoe. When this occurs, your dog will whine out of discomfort and pain due to their belly hurting from the issue.

Lack of stimulation

Dog not stimulated

A higher energy dog whining at night can be due to the lack of exercise and mental stimulation—dogs need to be walked, played with, and given other things to keep their mind busy. If you do not offer them this, they will get bored and start looking for ways to amuse themselves.

Nervous (Separation Anxiety)

Nervousness or separation anxiety can be the root cause of why your dog whines at night. Dog's will whine and bark when they feel abandoned and alone. This is a common problem with dogs that are new to the home or were bought by someone who did not train them before leaving for work or school. Even a kennel in your room by your bed can lead to your dog crying from stress.

Dislikes being crated

Dog dislikes being crate

Your puppy may dislike sleeping in their crate, leading them to start crying at night. No matter what you do to comfort them, they will continue barking and crying until you release them from their crate. In these cases, they'll continue to whine even if you ignore them.

Environmental factors

Frequent noises that trigger your dog maybe lead to whining at night. If your puppy is new to the home, they may be more sensitive to loud sounds and start whining all night long. Try crating them during this time, or if you're not comfortable with that, try covering their crate and placing a fan close by. This will help muffle some of the noises keeping them from barking out of fear at nighttime.


dog that is hungry

If your dog wakes up in the middle of the night, it may be hungry. This is especially true of new puppies as they are not set in a routine yet. Hunger is not comfortable for a young dog, and they do not know how to handle their craving for food yet.

This is especially common if your dog is known to be a food addict around the house and will cry at the table!

Mental Problems

Older dogs can cry at night because they are starting to lose it mentally. Their hearing may be gone, and they think they hear things despite a quiet room. This behavior is usually present throughout the day and not just at night. You'll want to treat an older dog with compassion as they typically don't even know they are whining.


If your dog doesn't usually whine at night, it may be a sign that they are in pain. It can be an injury or medical condition causing discomfort, causing them to cry at night. The more unusual it is for them to be whining at night, the higher the likelihood that they are in pain. You'll want to pay extra attention to your dog if you suspect this may be the case as they may need medical attention from a veterinarian.

Training your dog not to whine at night

Believe it or not, a dog whining at night can be eliminated with some training. Dog's don't whine when they are in a comfortable and safe place. If you can teach them to associate their crate or bed with positivity, it will be harder for the dog to whine when in that location. Dogs love to respond to behavior that makes them feel good.

Reinforcing the desired behavior

Reinforcing a dog's behavior

Your dog primarily learns through behavior reinforcement. Dog's are similar to small children in that they do not understand the punishment aspect of training. If you punish your dog for whining at night, it will just teach them to fear being around their owner when doing so, making it harder for both parties involved.

Every time your dog goes nights without whining, you should be rewarding them with a reward like treats or praise.

If you believe your dog is whining for attention and you respond to it, you'll reinforce negative behavior. It can be difficult if it is causing you to lose sleep, but they should be left alone until they are quiet and go back to sleep. Once your new puppy can go a whole night without a potty break, you want to be careful not to reinforce the crying.


Dog exercising

Energetic dogs need stimulation; without it, the pent-up energy can be causing them to lose sleep at night and lead to the dreaded whines at night. To help prevent dog whining, you'll want to stimulate them with play at least 30 minutes before bed.

The more exercise, the better. Older dogs will require less activity than a puppy to tire them before bed. Tired dogs also have less anxiety that causes them to cry at night.

Eating and Bathroom Breaks

With a new puppy, it's key to accept that they will whine at night as they have not settled into their new home yet. Their whining is necessary to let you know when they need food and when they need to go outside for bathroom breaks.

As dogs get older and mature, you'll find this less of an issue as the dog will sleep through the night with no waking up and crying at all hours. Adult dogs also have a set routine for feeding and going to the bathroom, and you'll want to make sure to keep that regular for your dog. As they get comfortable, they should no longer whine at night.

You'll also want to make sure to avoid feeding them too soon before going to bed.

Using CBD to help your dog

Using CBD to help dog's pain and anxiety

Like humans, your dog could benefit from CBD too. All mammals have an endocannabinoid system that helps regulate body function. CBD may be able to help supplement their system and bring relief that stops them from whining.


Studies are still ongoing to see if CBD can bring pain relief for dogs. Things are looking promising, and anecdotal evidence builds every day that it can bring relief. Customers have reported higher activity from senior dogs, which many believe was reduced from pain. It may be worth trying if you have an older dog crying because you think they are in pain. Always contact your veterinarian before you administer CBD to your pet.


Another common thing attributed to CBD is its calming effect. Again studies are still ongoing to see if this is a legitimate claim. Some anecdotal claims from customers a positive for calming their pets down. If your pet does have separation anxiety, it might be a good idea to try. It may help with the whining!


CBD LION's CBD oil and treats for dogs

CBD LION is owned and run by dog lovers. We love our puppies, and creating products that can potentially help other dogs brings us great joy.

Our founders came from one of the top medical and recreational cannabis companies and have brought their breadth of knowledge to get the most out of CBD. Since 2017, we've been supplying some of the highest quality products out there. At this time, CBD is not currently regulated and opens up the opportunity for many businesses looking to shortcut safety standards.

Here at CBD LION, we've been holding ourselves to the highest standards. We make our products in an ISO 7 certified laboratory for a clean, contaminant-free product. Our products are two-time third-party lab tested by the batch for purity and potency, giving you the confidence your dog is only getting the best! Lab results are easily found by scanning the QR code on the label.

Our current line of dog products consists of CBD oil tinctures and CBD infused dog treats.

In conclusion

Whether you have an older dog or a puppy, dog whines at night are hard to handle. Your dog may be crying from anxiety, boredom, hunger, needing to go to the bathroom, or pain. No matter what the problem is, we need to figure it out to get a good night of sleep!

An older dog may have a more severe reason that requires veterinarian attention. A puppy may be crying as it adjusts to a new house and is still getting settled in its routine. Whatever the case may be, make sure to watch for a sign that you may believe it is causing it. Take everything seriously and do not ignore even little things that could cause them to cry.

Once you figure out what is causing them to cry, you may need to make an extra effort to train them to stop. If you believe it is medical-related, schedule an appointment with the vet as soon as possible. Once the puppy is comfortable at night and no longer cries, you can back to your normal sleep schedule!